Constituents can download petitions here or obtain paper copies at my constituency office. They can be returned by mail or delivered in person.
Stop Education Cuts! - Sign our online petition to stop the cuts to our schools that will lead to bigger class sizes with fewer teachers.
You can download a paper copy here.
Save Our Health Care! - Sign our online petition to tell the government to fix hallway medicine and stop privatizing our health care! You can download a paper copy here.
Stop Cuts to OSAP - Sign our online petition to reverse OSAP cuts, protect existing tuition grants, and reinstate the six-month grace period after graduation. You can download a paper copy here.
Support Ontario Families with Autism - Invest in equitable, needs-based autism services for all children who need them.
Stop Cuts to Legal Aid - Ensure that low-income Ontarians have access to justice.
Affordable Housing - Commit to building new affordable homes and make the necessary repairs to existing social housing.
Stop Mental Health Cuts - Immediately reverse the cuts to mental health services and make sure that all Ontarians regardless of age or income can get the support they need.
Invest in FASD Diagnostic Capacity - Invest in FASD diagnostics, treatment options, and supports to help families of children with FASD.
Support Urgent Funding for Housing in London - Ask that the government immediately release emergency funds to London’s homelessness prevention system.
More Than a Visitor - Call on the government to implement a caregiver strategy to ensure long-term care and other congregate care residents aren't denied access to their designated caregivers and families.
Stop Disturbing Anti-Abortion Images - Call on the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to block disturbing anti-abortion images on our streets and in our mailboxes.
Protect Borrowers - Stop predatory payday lenders from exploiting vulnerable Londoners by enacting capped interest rates.
Support Rent Stabilization - Help us close loopholes and stop skyrocketing rent with the Rent Stabilization Act: Pay what the last tenant paid