TORONTO - The Official Opposition critics for Housing, Jessica Bell (University—Rosedale), and Economic Development, Job Creation & Trade, Terence Kernaghan (London North Centre), responded to a biting letter from the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) to the government.
“Ontario is in a historic housing crisis. Instead of helping people, the government took an opportunity to make wealthy insiders even richer – and made the housing crisis even worse for real people,” Bell said. “The corrupt land speculation scheme has been so disastrous that the government is now under criminal investigation by the RCMP for it.”
“The Official Opposition has pitched many bold housing solutions that cut through political ping-pong and meet the housing crisis head on,” Kernaghan said. “We have a strategy to build 250,000 affordable, non-market homes over the next decade. Our plan recognizes that the private sector can’t --and won’t -- fix the housing crisis on its own. This government has repeatedly said NO to our calls to bring back rent control that would stop the affordability crisis from getting worse.”
“They are playing political games with Ontario’s future, and everyone is a victim because of it – certainly the people of Ontario, but equally municipalities and developers.”